Software Metrics

OpenEBench Software Quality Metrics are defined by the Json Schema and can be accessed / updated via Tools Monitoring API.
Here is the brief description of the metrics:

Identity and findability metrics

metrics json path type description
1 canonical:website object Project/software has a web page.
2 canonical:domain project.identity.domain bool Project/software has its own domain name.
3 canonical:trademark project.identity.trademark bool Project/software name is trade-marked.
4 version:robots_compatible bool Could Search Engine Robots track their website?
5 version:registries Software registries that include the software.
6 version:scientific_benchmark Software is a part of scientific benchmark activities.
7 canonical:recognizability Project/software has a distinct name within its application area.

Usability: Documentation metrics

metrics json path type description
8 version:help project.documentation.howto uri Whether there is a general help about how to use the tool.
9 version:tutorial project.documentation.tutorial uri Whether there is a tutorial associated.
10 version:readme distribution.sourcecode.readme Whether there is a readme file distributed along the code.
11 version:publications project.publications int Whether the resource has an associated publication.
12 version:cite project.documentation.citation bool Whether the resource includes an statement on how to cite it and potentially associated algorithms, methods, etc.
13 version:api project.documentation.api uri Complete API documentation (e.g. JavaDoc, Doxygen).
14 version:repositories project.documentation.api_versioned uri[] Whether the API documentation is held under version control system.
15 version:source/comments_ratio Ratio code/comments, code lines/document lines. It reflects how much the code is documented.

Usability: Understability metrics

metrics json path type description
16 canonical:description project.summary.description bool Whether high-level description of the tool is available. It should contain concept, rationale and application. By application we understand what the software is for.
17 canonical:architecture project.summary.architecture bool Whether architectural overview, with diagrams, is available.
18 canonical:usecase project.summary.case_studies bool Whether case studies of use are available. Example of use.
19 canonical:concept project.summary.concept bool Whether high-level description of how the tool/software works.
20 canonical:rationale project.summary.rationale bool Whether design rationale is available.
21 canonical:application project.summary.usecases uri Whether descriptions of intended use cases are available.

Usability: Buildability and installability

metrics json path type description
22 version:build_instructions bool Whether instructions for building the software are provided.
23 version:installation_instructions project.deployment.instructions bool Whether instructions for installing the software are provided.
24 version:build_dependencies bool Whether the list of all third-party dependencies for proper project build is provided.
25 version:execution_dependencies project.deployment.dependencies bool Whether the list of all third-party runtime dependencies is provided.
26 version:execution_test bool Whether the software has specific tests to ensure the correct installation.
27 version:virtual_environments distribution.vre bool Whether the resource could be built into a virtual environment such as BioConda.
28 version:type bool Type of the automated build system used (make, maven, ant, etc).
29 version:package_based_installation distribution.packages bool Whether the software can be installed from pre-configured packages e.g. RPMs, DEBs, PiP, CPAN, PECL
30 version:language distribution.sourcecode.interpreted bool Code source languange. Whether it is compiled (C, C++, C#) or interpreted (Python, Perl, Ruby).
31 version:operative_system bool Operative system used to build the software (Unix or Not).
32 compiler_warnings Whether the compiler gives warnings. Compilation sucess.
33 version:automated bool Whether an automated build system used.


metrics json path type description
38 project_license project.license object Project has a license.
39 license_statement bool Web site states license.
40 sourcecode_license distribution.sourcecode.license bool Code distribution includes a license file.
41 license_headers distribution.sourcecode.license_headers bool Each source code file has a license header.
42 open_source project.license.open_source bool Project has an open source license.
43 osi project.license.osi bool Software has an Open Software Initiative (OSI)-recognised license.


metrics json path type description
44 binary_distribution distribution.binaries object Whether binary distributions are available.
45 binary_distribution_freeness distribution.binaries.freeness bool Binary distributions are freely available.
46 binaries_download_registration distribution.binaries.registration bool Binary distributions are available without the need for any registration.
47 sourcecode distribution.sourcecode object Source distributions are available.
48 sourcecode_freeness bool Source distributions are freely available.
49 sourcecode_download_registration distribution.sourcecode.public bool Sourcecode is available without the need for any registration.
50 sourcecode_repository distribution.sourcecode.repository object Access to source code repository is available.
51 sourcecode_anonymous_access distribution.sourcecode.repository.anonymous bool Anonymous read-only access to source code repository.
52 sourcecode_repository_browse bool Ability to browse source code repository online.
53 sourcecode_repository_accessible bool Make sure the repository (github, bit bucket) contains code.
54 sourcecode_repository_version_controlled bool Check whether code contains any information about versions/releases/tags.


metrics json path type description
55 contributions_policy Whether the project has defined a contributions policy.
56 issue_tracker support.issue_tracker.public_tracker bool Whether the tool has a publicly accessible issue tracker.
57 resolve_time support.issue_tracker.resolve_time duration How long are issues open.
58 governance project.governance bool Whether the project has defined a governance model.