Authentication and Authorization


OpenEBench authentication and authorization are based on the OpenID Connect 1.0 protocol. The project uses “openebench” realm configuration of the INB Keycloak server.
Each OpenEBench client must be configured according supposed OpenID flows.
OpenID clients may differ in their configuration, but provided by keycloak configuration endpoint should be enough: .well-known/openid-configuration


OpenEBench security is based on the concept of roles. Roles go with a set of permissions that allow to perform operations associated with the role.
OpenEBench defines several roles that tightly connected with OpenEBench data model:

  • Community Owner (owner): person responsible for the entire benchmarking community.

  • Benchmarking Event Manager (manager): person responsible for the particular benchmarking event.

  • Challenge Supervisor (supervisor): person that supervises challenge contributors and participants.

  • Challenge Contributor (contributor): person that contributes to the benchmarking challenge.

  • Challenge Participant (participant): participant of the benchmarking challenge.

OpenEBench Authentication/Authorization is based on the OpenID Connect 1.0 protocol. The roles are included in tokens as “oeb:roles” claim.


Keycloak Roles

In the Keycloak Server OpenEBench roles are modelled as user attributes: