Evaluate your tool

If you want to evalute your tool using one of the open benchmarking events in OpenEBench, these are the steps you need to follow:

  1. First step is to make sure your tool is added in bio.tools or bioconda or Galaxy Tool-Shed. These three repositories are the sources of information about the tools in OpenEBench.

  2. Then, you need to run your tool using the specific parameters you want to evaluate and get the corresponding predictions that will be used for the benchmarking. This is the data that will be used as input for the benchmarking worflows.

  3. The predictions that you previously obtained, will be evaluated with the benchmarking workflows already made avaiable in the Virutal Research Environment platform, in order to evalaute the performance of your tool. To do that, you need to upload to the platform the results of the tool interested in evaluating that you generated in the pervious step.


  1. Then, select the relevant benchmarking event and “run it”. Internally, the corresponding benchmarking workflow will compute the metrics qualifying the given data in a on-permisses cloud infrastructure.


  1. Eventually, a graphic visualization is offered to comparatively analyse the obtained metrics with other participating method metrics.


  1. If results are satisfactory, a member of the OpenEBench team will be able to publish your results in the web server where they are going to be visualized.